Fire/Rescue Department
The Edenville Township Fire/Rescue Department serves in rescue and fire protection for the township. There are two stations which basically serve residents on each side of the Tittabawassee River. The department consists of approximately 25 members. The members are trained in medical rescue and fire fighting. The Fire/Rescue Department has a mutual aid agreement with a number of the neighboring townships.
Notice: The ISO Public Protection Classification has changed for many Properties in Edenville Township
Public Protection Classification Change for Edenville Township
Our Fire Chief, Roger Dufresne, has provided a document indicating a major change in the Public Protection Classification of a major portion of the properties in Edenville Township. This change has resulted from recent installation of municipal water supply and location of water hydrants throughout the water district areas. Several things are used for determination of your classification as noted in the document provided by the Fire Chief. As individual policy holders or general public, we can not access the individual classifications, but your property insurance company and agent can provide more information. You are urged to contact your property insurance agent to see how this can affect your insurance rates. For further questions of Edenville Township, please contact the township office.
Thanks Roger and our Edenville Township Fireman for your fine work!
Edenville Township Fire Department UTV PSA
Edenville Township Fire Department represents a safety-minded, forward-thinking group of local volunteers, who care deeply about the safety of their local residents.
Utilizing funds from its Equipment Fund, which allocates money for specific equipment needed to ensure the Fire Department is able to function at a successful level, the Fire Department purchased a Polaris Ranger Crew XP 1000 North Star R20RS. In response to the dam failures and ensuing flooding, the Township recognized the need for rescue personnel to have access to the uneven and often unsafe lake beds in the event of an emergency. Because there is no lake, Firefighters and other First Responders have no way of accessing the lands where the lakes once were. The ground is quite uneven with high banks, which often prove prohibitive for accessing emergency situations without an off-road vehicle. Although the original impetus for adding the UTV to the Edenville Township Fire Department equipment was the dried-up lake beds, Police Chief, Roger Dufresne also anticipates the UTV to be used for a multitude of reasons. According to Dufresne, “Most of the Township is on state land and the trails are open, so with this UTV we will be able to help with emergencies on the lake beds, wild land fires, hunters and DNR on state land, and other Townships like Larkin and Billings in a lot of different ways.”
The UTV also came with a Fire and Rescue skid, which has a tank that carries 70 gallons of water and three gallons of foam as well as hosts a spot for transporting a patient out of the woods or off of the lakebeds. Naturally, this high level of rescue operations requires state level training and certification. The certification course requires emergency personnel to complete a four-hour classroom and three-hour driving course that also includes understanding the manual, maintenance care, and proper operation. Over the course of the last month, all of the Edenville Township Firefighters as well as several from Larkin Township have completed the training and are prepared to help the community if the need arises.
Fire Station #1, 420 Moore Street
Fire Station #2, West River Road
Edenville Township's New Fire Truck